1. 产品: 缠绕垫片,金属包覆垫片,聚四氟包覆垫片,金属环垫,金属齿形垫,软垫片,高强石墨垫片等.
3 可供垫片材料: 304/304L,316/316L,蒙耐尔,英科耐尔,钛,哈氏C-276和哈氏B-2 /3,氯丁橡胶,丁氰橡胶,氟橡胶,硅橡胶,乙丙橡胶,陶瓷纤维,聚四氟乙烯,柔性石墨,石棉和非石棉等.
我公司制作哈氏B-2/3和哈氏C-276缠绕垫片和石墨增强垫片的板和钢带是进口美国著名材料商HAYNES CO..并按用户的要求制作缠绕垫片和石墨增强垫片,具有价格优,交货期短和急供等特性.
从1997年起,我公司已为国内大型的醋酸厂,电厂和其他化工厂提供大量哈氏B-2/3和哈氏C-276缠绕垫片和石墨增强垫片及其他材料和形式的垫片,如重庆扬子乙酰化工有限公司(BP)(醋酸厂),镇江索普醋酸有限公司和上海吴泾醋酸有限公司和华能电厂等.哈氏B-2/B-3缠绕垫片用于醋酸装置中锆702反应器,初分塔,脱水塔,锆702和哈氏B-2/3 换热器,仪表,泵,管路系统等.哈氏C-276缠绕垫片用于醋酸装置中哈氏C-276气提塔,再生塔,换热器,仪表,泵,管路系统等.经八年多时间考证,我公司制作的哈氏B-2/3和哈氏C-276缠绕垫片其产品质量是优异和可靠的.是上述三家醋酸厂指定的长期供货公司,并为醋酸厂随时提供垫片.
热情欢迎您们访问我们公司。 需了解更多情况,请与我们联系。谢谢!
TEL:021-58503107 FAX:021-50684138
E-mail: zhibaochen@hotmail.com
陈志宝 经理MP:13801732820
Our corporation is a manufacturer and importer to fabricate and submit the all types of gaskets, equipment, materials, parts and fittings of Hastelloy alloys, Inconel alloys and Monel alloys etc. These materials and parts are wide used in the fields of petrochemical, chemical , pharmacy, food , power, marine and many industries. Gaskets: Our corporation can supplies all types of metallic gaskets, soft gaskets and non-metallic gaskets according to various codes / standards for use in rectors, exchangers, towers, pressure vessels, vales, pipe/tube lines, pumps, compressors, boilers and other equipment. Products system: a. Spiral wound gaskets b. Metal jacketed gaskets c. PTFE jacketed gaskets d. Solid metal gaskets e. Flat & Threaded metal gaskets f. Soft gaskets g. Packing materials h. High strength graphite gaskets etc. Codes/ standards: API, ANSI16.5, DIN, GB and HG etc. Available gaskets materials: Carbon steel, 304SS, 304LSS, 316SS,316LSS, Aluminum, Brass, Copper, Alloy 20, Monel, Inconel, Titanium, Nickel, Hastelloy C-276 and Hastelloy B-2 , Natural rubber, Chloroprene, Buna-N rubber, Fluorocarbon(VITON), Silicones rubber, Chlorosulfonated polyethelene, Ceramic fiber, PTFE, Flexible graphite, Asbestos, Non-asbestos, Grafoil etc. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at you convenience. Best regards,
ZhiBao Chen MP:13801732820